李俊宏 醫師
台灣臨床正念學會 理事
- 國立陽明大學醫學系
- 嘉南療養院成癮暨司法精神科主治醫師
- 台北市立療養院精神科住院醫師
- 台北市立聯合醫院精神科行政總醫師
- 精神分析學會會員
- 成癮學會會員
- Community Management of Heroin Addicts through Methadone maintenance treatment: Collaboration with prosecution system. Co-Investigator.
- Psychoeducative Group Therapy of Heroin Addicts in MMT: Collaboration with prosecution system. Co-Investigator.
- The Integration of Forced Substance Abstinence Rehabilitation and Bio-Psycho-Social Management on Substance Abusers: Collaboration with Ministry of Justice. Co-Investigator.
- Family Burden and the Effect of Psychoeducative group therapy for the relatives of methadone-maintenance-treatment patients: Collaboration with National Bureau of Controlled Drug. Investigator.
- Matrix Treatments Programme for Methamphetamine Abuse: Collaborate with Ministry of Justice. Investigator.
- HPA-Axis Dysfunction & Attention Deficits among heroin addicts in MMT. Investigator
- The Integrated Treatment programme of Patients with Non-Opioids Use Disorders. MOHW, Investigator.
- Community Management of Heroin Addicts through Methadone maintenance treatment: Collaboration with Tainan Justice and Educational System. Investigator.
- Internet-Based Survey & Intervention For Tobacco、Alcohol and Illicit Drugs Use Disorders Among Chinese Population. Medical Services & Social Rehabilitation Programme for Problematic Drinkers & Alcoholism, MOHW, Investigator.
- The Integration of Correction and Addiction Treatment on Inmates with Substance Use Disorder: Collaborate with Ministry of Justice, Investigator.
- Integrated Demonstrative Center of Addiction Treatment (iDCAT). MOHW, Co-Investigator.
- Therapeutic Outcomes of Matrix Model on Methamphetamine Use Disorder in Jianan Psychiatric Center, MOHW, Investigator.
- Developing artificial intelligence system on evaluation of drug-induced EPS, Jinan Psychiatric Center, Investigator.
- Artificial Intelligence, National Health Insurance Research Databases and Polypill Discovery -Continue Project. Co-Investigator.
- Alcohol Dependence and Medical Treatments Continue Project : a Prospective Observational Study and Retrospective Analysis,DNA Methylation Analysis and Genome-wide Association Analysis (GWAS). Co-Investigator.
【相關學術發表與著作 】
1. Posters and oral Speaking in Annual Meeting:
- Lee CH, Huang MC, Chen CH, Liu HC, Ho CJ, Shen WD: The elevation of BDNF after alcohol detoxification. 12th PRCP (2006)
- Lee CH, Tang HP, Chang TJ: Psychoeducative Group therapy in HIV sero-positive heroin addicts of The Harm Reduction Program: An experimental Review (Oral). 46th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Psychiatry (2007)
- Lee CH, Tang HP, Chang TJ: Psychoeducative Group therapy in HIV sero-positive heroin addicts of The Harm Reduction Program. 9th Taipei International Conference on HIV/AIDS (2008)
- Lee CH, Tang HP, Chiu HJ: The Impact of Social Support and Family Functioning of Heroin Addicts in MMT. 48th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Psychiatry (2009)
- Lee CH, Tang HP, Chiu HJ, Liu YH, James B: Familial Expressed Emotion Among Heroin Addicts in Methadone Maintenance Treatment. 13th International Congress of the International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology (IFPE) (2010)
- Lee CH, Tang HP, Chiu HJ: The Changes of DSM-5 in Substance Use Disorders. 50th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Psychiatry (2011) (Oral Presentation)
- Lee CH, Tang HP, Chiu HJ, Liu YH: The Role of Self-Efficacy in Predicting Treatment Outcomes of Methamphetamine Abusers. 51th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Psychiatry (2012).
- Lee CH, Wang TZ, Liu YH: Brief Intervention for Ketamine Abuse: Does it work? : 53rd Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Psychiatry (2014).
- Lee CH, Wang TZ, Liu YH, Zheng ZM: Is Brief Intervention Effective on Ketamine Use Disorder? : A Case-Control Study. WPA International Congress of Psychiatry (WPAIC)(2015)
- Lee CH, Liu YH, Zheng ZM: Treating New Psychoactive Drugs in Taiwan: Development, Status Quo, Effectiveness, and Challenges. Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Addiction (2016).
- Lee CH: The Treatment Model of Patients with Mental Illness under Custody Disposition in Jianan Psychiatric Center. 54th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Psychiatry (2015).
- Lee CH, Liu YH, Zheng ZM: A Comparison Study of Co-Occurring Health Problems, Psychological Distress and Effectiveness of Brief Intervention in Frequent and Infrequent Ketamine Users, 5th APSAAR (2017)
- Lee CH, Liu YH, Zheng ZM: Conducting Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention. Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Addiction (2018).
- Lee CH, Liu YH, Zheng ZM: Cultural Factors and Related Problems of SUD in Taiwan. 20th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Addiction Medicine (2018).
- Lee CH: Addiction Treatment Behind Bars: Difficulties and Future Prospects. 57th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Psychiatry (2018).
- Lee CH: Asperger and Criminality: Treatment or Punishment? 58th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Psychiatry (2020).
2. TSSCI and SSCI publications:
- Lee CH, Tang HP, Chiu HJ: Group Therapy in HIV Sero-positive Heroin addicts of the Harm Reduction Programme: A Group Case Report. International Journal of Chinese Group Therapy 2007; (13) 3; 12-17.
- Huang MC, Lee CH, Lai YH, Kao YF, Lin HY, Chen CH: Comprehensive Psychiatry: Chinese version of the Delirium Rating Scale-Revised-98: Reliability and Validity. Comprehensive Psychiatry 2009; 50(1): 81-85
- Fang TW, Lee CH*, Lu YT, Tang HP: Psychosocial Assessment of Juvenile Sex Offences: Case Series in Taiwan. Asian Journal of Domestic Violence and Sex Offence 2009; 5(1): 91-98.
- Lee CH, Wang TZ, Tang HP, Liu YH, James B: Familial Expression Among Heroin Addicts in Methadone Maintenance Treatment: Does It Matter? Addictive Behaviors 2015; 45, 39-44.
- Chen HM, Lee CH*, Wang TJ: The impact of Consultation-liaison on Burning Mouth Syndrome: a Case Report. The Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry, 2015; 29(1): 63-65.
- Lee CH, Tang HP, Chiu HJ, Liu YH: The Effectiveness of Brief Intervention for Patients with Ketamine Use Disorder. Chinese Journal of Drug Dependence 2016; 25(1) :109-114.
- Lin JC, Lee CH*, Liu YH: A Study of Well-Being in Drunken Driving Recidivists. Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry 2019; 33: 1-7.
- Wang SC, Chen YC, Lee CH, Cheng CM: Opioid Addiction, Genetic Susceptibility, and Medical Treatments: A Review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2019, 20, 4294.
- Wang SC, Chen YC, Chen SJ, Lee CH, Cheng CM: Alcohol Addiction, Gut Microbiota, and Alcoholism Treatment: A Review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020, 21(17), 6413.
- Lee CH, Liaw GH, Yang WC, Liu YH: Mobile Messaging Assisted Treatment (MMAT) for Patients with Methamphetamine Use Disorder: A Preliminary Study. Addictive Behaviours, Submitted.
- Ko CH, Liang SC, Lee CH*: The role of health risk behaviors in drunk driving recidivism in Taiwan. BMC Public Health, Submitted.